U.s. census bureau
IDEATE. launch.
The decennial census is more than just a head count—it determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and is used to guide the distribution of federal funds to local communities. In 2020, ecucomm helped the U.S. Census Bureau fill more than 800,000 part-time positions. The campaign included a wide range of online and offline marketing materials, translated into nearly a dozen different languages.
Our creative strategy focused on:
- Communications Strategy and Planning
- Media Consulting
- Multi-Media Buys
- Multilanguage Outreach
Number of Languages translated
people were recruited through campaign
Part-time positions filled
amplify. measure.
Ecucomm recruited more than 3 million Americans to fill part-time roles as enumerators and support personnel, helping the U.S. Census Bureau meet not only numerical targets but also diversity requirements by zip code across the country.
Key Facts
Tailored plans to most efficiently and effectively deliver messaging to target market segments in greatest demand and hard-to-reach populations, including Native Americans, the affluent, and those with limited internet access.
Utilized dynamic digital media platforms to deliver messaging and attract candidates.
Optimized digital media placements to ensure campaigns reached the maximum number of people in a cost-effective manner within budget allocations.
Launched multi-tier, multimedia outreach matched to regional and local requirements.
Reached every geographic and demographic—from the north woods of Maine to the rainforests of Hawaii, and from the Florida Keys to Alaska’s north slope.